Rune factory 3 psp
Rune factory 3 psp

The amnesia plot device has always worked well for the Rune Factory games because it allows players to feel as if they are piecing together a great mystery as they play. Rune Factory 3 is no different, as it really makes the players wonder how their character came to be a human/monster hybrid and exactly where he came from. Not only is there that mystery going on throughout the game, but there is also the enigma of why the villages can’t get along. The two villages don’t know exactly why they dislike each other, it has just always been that way. Rune Factory 3 is constantly making your character question if two opposite species can live together in harmony, and most importantly, how on earth your character can help make that happen. Rune Factory 3 does improve significantly in the storyline department however, it still isn’t to the point where it will win any awards or leave you in awe. And as fun as piecing together amnesiac memories is, the amnesia plot element has been recycled and played out at this point. There has to be something else that can be a fun mystery to solve.

Rune factory 3 psp